electronic audio visual artist ___ maxmsp | dsp | algorithmic

Parameter Provider

A new way to random, tmh_paRam_pRvdR allows you to randomize around a set center value by a defined deviation amount.


Ok, so I love random sources and randomizing as much as the next sonic weirdo, but pure random or close to it is just that, random. When modulating parameters, full-on random is only so useful; what I tend to find infinitely more useful is weighted random, or even better, have the option to dial in a center point and then deviate/randomize around that within a set confine.

Making use of some new’ish javascript objects added to MaxMSP in the past year, ParameterInfoProvider and ParameterListener I wrote up some javascript code that allows you to set your parameters to a preferred position, log the centerValues and then set the deviation $1 that you would like to move around the centerValue with each bang/trigger that the [js tmh_paRam_pRvdR.js] receives.

You can pretty much drop this into any existing MaxMSP patch or Max for Live device and long as you follow these notes below.

Things to note:

  • You can pretty much drop this
  • This works automatically with all live.* UI Objects.
  • It will work with Max UI objects, but Parameter Mode Enable needs to be on.
  • It will work inside of Max for Live devices, you just need to ensure the .js file is included when freezing.


Steps for quick drop-in use with Max for Live devices;

  1. Drop your favorite Max for Live devices (effect/instrument/midi fx) on a track.
  2. Click the ‘Edit’ button on the device, to move into the Max editing environment.
  3. Unfreeze the device.
  4. Expand the window, but stay in Presentation view.
  5. Open the patcher I shared tmh_paRam_pRvdR.maxpat
  6. copy the [js tmh_paRam_pRvdR.js] object, [centerValues] message, [deviation $1] message and number box and the bang/trigger object.
  7. paste them into your Max for Live device
  8. right-click on the [js tmh_paRam_pRvdR.js] and Remove from Presentation.
  9. Move the paRam_pRvdR object into the Live device view and set the device width to include them. *your device may not have a device width set*
  10. Click on the Show Containing Project icon on the bottom toolbar, it will open the Project window pane for your Max for Live device.
  11. Find in the “tmh_paRam_pRvdR.js” file in the download I provided and drag it into the project window pane. This makes sure that it’s included when you save.
  12. Freeze your device, Save it and close.
  13. Move all the parameters in your MFL device to the desired center points and then click [centerValues] to log them.
  14. Set the desired amount of deviation around the center values.
  15. Trigger to deviate!
  16. Have fun 😉